In order to save journal to the internet, you open terminal, open your desktop and folder. Next, I added the font that I liked and checked the status. You do:
The font I used was Averia Serif Libra. Use Berkshire Swash next.
Today we made the link to our website and I used an image with pink lipstick marks as the background. I'm updating my journal right now.
I missed last class and what we did was this boxes animation that's also on classes. This class we did an animation on sublime text and made the box move to the left and rotate.
I worked on finalizing my gratitude card/birthday gift for Nola. I had to add the last couple of pictures.
I pushed Nola's birthday gift/gratitue card to the internet. There are a bunch of divs with pictures of her and text relative and above those pictures. I added the title at the top as well as the instructions.
I moved on from working on the gratitude gift for Nola and decided to work on something Christmas themed. Even though it's incomplete, I pushed it to the internet.
I searched up words or terms in CS that I was unsure of. I learned what a parent and child is in HTML and a lot about strings.
Today we worked on a function that runs the div as many times as you want without having to repeat the code many times. I included 18 volleyball because I played #18 on JV volleyball.
I worked on my face creation animation. I added the divs for the face, eyes, nose, and lips. The click function doesn't entirely work for adding the features, but they're all there on the website. Next class I'm going to add the click function.
Today we worked on making a generator and randomizing names. I made a variable called people and put in the names of everyone in our class. Next, I made a variable called names, which randomizes what name is shown. I added *5 so that it will only go to the 5th name. In order to put it in my console, I write console.log and put (people[names]) in it. So that through all of the people listed it randomizes which one shows in the console.
We made a slot machine. Mine was themed "Who's going to be a millionare?" and I included the names of everyone in our Computer Science class + Chris Brown. I'm almost done, I just have to add images and fix the handle.
I made a random choice generator that lists a bunch of volleyball player so that people who visit my website can choose a random volleyball player. It's unfinished for now. I got Harpery Murray on my first choice who I hate, but I got Maddie Skinner on the second try who I love!
I made another random choice generator. It's now in-progress. It will eventually be two divs next to each other (both randomizers) where one will show the flag of the country and the one peside it will show a picture(s) of some traditional food from that country.
I finished my array project aka that randomizer that chooses a random country and displays some traditional food from that country. Jake was hating on my project. He said "It was a pretty bummy project."
I've decided to add recipies to my array project aka my choose your food from a country project. I'm clicking the links that the images go to when you click on them online and i'm adding that recipe so that when you click on the flag you can see the recipe.
In the beginning of class, I finished my array project. All the recipes are now linked to the countries' flags. I began working on the car project. Julia and I have matching pink porsches! I added my pink porsche and then I added variables x and y so it can move around on the axis. Now it can move in all directions.
We began to work on our valentine's day gift/animation. For Valentine's day, I'm making an animation where when you hover of the div, a picture of me with someone will show up. I set up the divs and the tags, but I have to make my hover event Listener, so it's unfinished.
I worked a little bit and began my "What are you getting on your next text" project. I'm using some components that I worked on in my favorite volleyball player project (by mentioning the random aspect) as well as the valentine's day project (by including similar divs). I worked a little bit on my valentine's day project even though Valentine's day has already passed as well.
We learned about color and we made a color randomizer in class. I'm planning on actually figuring out a project to go with it. We learned how to change the color on a click function and how to set a range for those colors. We used RGB and made seperate variables for R, G, and B. I just added the project to my projects page.
Over the weekend, I finished my Valentine's day card. I just added directions to my array project, finishing it. This class we're focusing on finishing our projects up before report writing day. I started working and have to finish working on my face animation, where I add facial features to the div.
These are some ideas for my final project:
The rest of the time I finished up my makeup project. I also finished my color randomizer animation!
Julia and I began working on our comp sci project. We began by positioning divs around the screen to represent the different planet. For now we used a picture of saturn, but next class we'll add the correct image assigned to each planet. Julia found the audios for each song and I also added a title 'SZAVERSE' to the top of the page. Next class, we'll upload the images for the planets as well as their corresponding audios and the change the size of the divs to correspond with each planet.
Halfway through class, Julia and I worked on finding a background image for our Szaverse project. We have all the planets placed and their audios correlated. We also have the heading. We made some minor edits. Next, were gonna add some details and maybe make labels for the planets so when you click on the planet it'll differenciate and show you what specific song you're going to play. We'll write the song name instead of the planet because the planet classification is pretty obvious. We also have to figure out how to make it so that Neptune doesn't cover earth. It's either an actual error in the code or it's just the platform that we're using.
Today we worked on the stars. First we styled them and fixed the link for it, second we made it so that they would successfully randomize all over the screen. Third, we made it so that the stars could appear behing the planets using the z-axis. Fourth, we changed the random sizing of the stars so that they could have a minimum and a maximum. We did this by stating 40 (the maximum) + 20 (the minimum) with math.random. Lastly, we changed the image for the galaxy background and the stars. We also started our Google Slides presentation. Next class, we'll make it so that we can either animate the stars to make them twinkle or add an animation to the stars so that a quote or question will pop up pertaining to SZA. Additionally, before next class we'll work on the presentation.
Today in class we worked on the final touches for out project. Additionally, we continued to work on our Google Slide Presentation for our final project. We finished the introduction which talked about our original ideas for the project and what we brainstormed. Next class, I will work on importing pictures of our code and explaining some of our more difficult sections of coding. Julia will work on the challenges that we faced and overcame throughout this last semester of working on our project. She will also import actual pictures of the Szaverse.
Today Julia and I put the finishing touches onto our final project's presentation. We additionally, added it to our projects page and are currently updating our journals. Our presentation is through Google Slides and we had fun adding animations to our pictures and text. We might present today. Now, we're going to push.